
Showing posts from October 5, 2018

Exact differential equations With Relevent Questions

Exact Differential Equations :             The differential equation of the form M(x,y)dx+ N(x,y)dy=0 is called exact differential equation if δM/δy=δN/δx.         And the differential equations of the form M(x,y)dx+ N(x,y)dy=0 is called non exact differential equations if δM/δy≠δN/δx.       And it's solution is given by  ∫M(x,y)dx + ∫N(x,y)dy=c     y as.           Terms don't contain                                       x constant Let's discuss some examples related to this form, Example :      1. Solve the differential equation     ( ycosx+ siny+y)dx+(sinx+ x cosy+x)dy=0 if it is exact. Solution :             Here M= ycosx+siny+y and N=sinx+xcosy+x  Therefore δM/δy= cosx+cosy+1 and δN/δx=cosx+cosy+1  Since δM/δy=δN/δx  the given equation is exact.  Then it's solution is given by       ∫Mdx+∫Ndy=c => ∫(y cosx+ siny+y)dx+∫0dy=c => y sinx+ x siny+xy+c1=c => y sinx+ x siny + xy= c     Hence which is the required solution o