Accuracy Of Numbers
Accuracy Of Numbers 1. Approximate Numbers : There are two types of numbers exact and approximate . Exact numbers are 2,4,9,13,7,2,6.45....etc . But there are numbers such as 4/3 =1.3333.... , √(2)= 1.41413 and finite number of digits . These may be approximated by numbers 1.3333, 1.4141 , 3.1416 respectively . Such numbers which represent the given numbers to certain degree of accuracy are called approximate numbers . 2. Significant Figures : The digits used to express a number is called significant digits (figures) . Thus each of the numbers 7845, 3.589, 0.4758 contains four significant figures while the numbers 0.00389 , 0.000587 and 0.0000296 contain only three significant figures since zeros only help to fix the position of the decimal poin...