
Showing posts from June 18, 2019

Half Range Series

Half Range Series :         With the help of the Main Theorem and those of even and odd functions , we now consider the expansion of a function over the interval [0,π] in terms of (i) sine terms only , (ii) cosine terms only . (i) The Sine Series :               If a function f is bounded , integrable and piecewise monotonic in [0,π] , then the sum of the sine series                                                         π     Σ bₙ sin nx , where bₙ = 2/π ∫f sin nx dx                                                       0 is equal to , 1/2 [f(x-) + f(x+)] at every point x between 0 and π , and is equal to 0 , when x=0 ,π .      To obtain a series consisting of only sine terms we define an odd function F in [-π,π] , identical with f in [0,π] .      Let F = f in [0,π] , and       F(x) = -F(-x) = -f(-x) in [-π,0].      Evidently , F is bounded , integrable and piecewise monotone in [-π,π], (i.e. satisfies the conditions of the