
Showing posts from June 20, 2019

Intervals Other Than [-π,π]

Intervals Other Than [-π,π] :             So far we have considered the interval [-π,π] only . It was just a matter of convenience , otherwise any finite interval could have been used . We now show that by effecting certain transformations , any finite interval can be made to correspond to the interval      [-π,π] . The Interval [0,2π] :               If f is bounded , integrable and piecewise monotonic in [0,2π] , then the sum of the series                         ∞          1/2 a₀ + Σ (aₙ cos nx + bₙ sin nx)                       n=1                             2π  where aₙ = 1/π ∫ f cos nx dx ,                              0                              2π               bₙ = 1/π ∫ f sin nx dx                               0 is 1/2 [f(x-) + f(x+)] at every point x between 0 and 2π , and is                                   1/2 [f(2π-) + f(0+)] at x = 0 , 2π and is periodic with period 2π .        On substituting x = y+π , we find that y