
Showing posts from July 9, 2019

Special Types Of First _ Order Equations (Part _2)

Special  Types  Of First Order   Differential  Equations (Part_2) : Standard Form _2 :                 Equations not involving the independent variables i.e. equation of the form                    f(z,p,q) = 0          ...........(1)        The auxiliary equations for equation(1)  are   dx/[∂f/∂p] = dy/[∂f/∂q]= dz/[p∂f/∂p+q∂f/∂q]                                  = dp/-p∂f/∂z = dq/-q∂f/∂z       ∴  dp/p = dq/q Integrating   q = ap              ............(2)   Where a is a constant .  Substituting in equation(1) , we have           f(z,p,ap) = 0  Now dz = pdx + qdy            ...............(3)                 = pdx + apdy                 = pd(x+ay) Let us take X = x + ay So that  dz/dX = p and adz/dX = q . Hence the given equation becomes  f(z,dz/dX,adz/dX) = 0        ...................(4)           The equation (4) is an ordinary differential equation of first order and can easily be  solved . The co