
Showing posts from May 6, 2019

Rate Of Convergence Of Newton_Raphson Method

Rate Of Convergence Of Newton_Raphson Method : Definition Of Rate Of Convergence :          Rate of convergence is the speed of a convergent sequence to approach its limit point.       General equation for rate of convergence is           |εₙ₊₁|≤ c |εₙ|ᵖ  where   c is a constant ,       p= degree of rate of convergence          Using this definition rate of convergence of Newton_ Raphson method can be calculated .   Calculation Of Rate Of Convergence Of Newton_Raphson Method :          The Newton_Raphson method in equation             xₙ₊₁ = xₙ - f(xₙ)/f'(xₙ)   .......(1)   Let ξ be the exact root of f(x) = 0                                   (   i.e f(ξ) = 0)      Let xₙ,xₙ₊₁ be the approximate value at nth and (n+1)th iteration respectively .    Similarly εₙ,εₙ₊₁ be the error at nth and (n+1)th iteration respectively .              εₙ + ξ = xₙ              εₙ₊₁ + ξ = xₙ₊₁  Substituting εₙ ,