LEGENDRE Differential Equation and Polynomial

LEGENDRE Differential Equation:

LEGENDRE  Differential Equation and Polynomial  has a great role in the area of Differential Equations , which is like a planet in the universe of Mathematics. This equation and polynomial is not only useful for solving mathematical differential equations but also used in physics.

                The Legendre differential equation is a second-order ordinary differential equation, it has two linearly independent solutions. A solution which is regular at finite points is called a Legendre function of the first kind, while a solution which is singular at is called a Legendre function of the second kind.
       The equation

           (1-x²)y" - 2xy' +p(p+1)y =0 .......(1)

Where p is a real constant is known as Legendre differential equation and it occurs in many areas of mathematics and physics . To obtain a solution of equation (1) we shall use the power series methode. For this purpose we observe that equation (1) can be put in the standard form as

     y" -( 2x/1 - x²) y' + [p(p+1)/1 - x²] y =0 ...(2)

since -2x/1-x² and p(p+1)/1- x² are analytic for |x|<1, x=0 is an ordinary point of (1) .
Hence  the equation (1) has a power series solution valid for |x|<1. Let us assume that

      y = Σ cₙxⁿ   for n = 0 to ∞    .........(3)

is a solution of equation(1).
  Differentiating equation (3) and substituting for y,y' and y" in equation (1) we have

             ∞                                ∞
 (1 - x²) Σ n(n-1) cₙxⁿ⁻² - 2x Σ   ncₙxⁿ⁻¹+p(p+1)
            n=2                           n=1
  Σ   cₙxⁿ = 0

which on simplification
     ∞                                 ∞
     Σ (n+2)(n+1)cₙ₊₂xⁿ- Σ  n(n-1)cₙxⁿ
    n=0                            n=0 
          ∞                            ∞     
     -2  Σ  ncₙxⁿ+ p(p+1) Σ cₙxⁿ=0
        n=0                        n=0

where in second sum we have taken the limit for n=0 instead of n=2 since the second sum corresponding  to n= 0 and  1 vanish.
 i.e  Σ [(n+2)(n+1)cₙ₊₂ + (p+n+1)(p-n)cₙ]xⁿ =0

Since  this equation is valid for all x in the interval of convergence |x|<1 the coefficient of all powers of x in equation (3) must vanish and this yeilds the recursion formula:

cₙ₊₂ = -(p+n+1)(p-n)cₙ/( n+2)(n+1),n≥0 .......(4)
setting n=0,1,2,3 etc in (4) we have

         c₂ = -(p+1)p c₀/ 2*1;
          c₃=-(p+2)(p-1) c₁/3*2;
         c₄ = -(p+3)(p-2)c₂/4*3;
                               = (p+3)(p+1)p(p-2)c₀/4! ;
         c₅= -(p+4)(p-3)c₃/5*4
                                = (p+4)(p+2)(p-1)(p-3)c₁/5! ;

In general

                           (p-2m+2)]c₀/(2m)! ;

                      ........(p-2m+1)]c₁/(2m+1)! ;

where m = 1,2.......

Substituting these values in equation (3) we obtained the desired power series solution of equation (1) as :

y = c₀[1-(p+1)x²/2! + (p+3)(p+1)p(p-2)x⁴/4!....]

                          +  (p+4)(p+2)(p-1)(p-3)x⁵/5!....]

or  y= c₀y₁+c₁y₂ (say). .........(5)

where y₁and y₂ repesent the power series in the first and second brackets respectively. c₀ and c₁ are two arbitary constants ,equation (5) represents general solution of Legendre differential equation.

There are different values of y for different p . So when p=n where n is a positive integer then it gives Legender polynomial solution of degree n.

      The polynomial solution Pₙ(x ) of Legendre equation is called Legender polynomial if it satisfies the condition Pₙ(1)=1 ,n=1,2,.......

Expression for Legender polynomial is given by

           Pₙ(x)=1/2ⁿn! dⁿ/dxⁿ(x²-1)ⁿ    .......(6)

   This is all about Legendre differential equation and polynomial.

See also:

      Legendre Polynomial and its creation.

About Scientist:
Adrien-Marie Legendre was a French mathematician who made numerous contributions to mathematics. Well-known and important concepts such as the Legendre polynomials and Legendre transformation are named after him.

For more

Recommended Books :

2 . Differential Equation Theory By Mc Grew Hill.


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