Examples Related To Riemann Integral

Examples Related To Riemann Integral :

 Example 1 :  

                 Show that ∫ x⁴ dx = 1 / 5

 Proof :  


                Let us consider the partition P in the interval [0,1] as { 0,1/n, 2/n , 3/n .....n/n }.
 Since  f(x) = x⁴ , so the supremum and infimum of the function in the interval is (i/n)⁴ and (i-1 / n) ⁴  . 

  Length of the interval = Δxᵢ = 1-0 / n = 1/n
                            n                 n
     So U( P,x⁴ ) = Σ Mᵢ Δxᵢ = Σ  (i/n) . 1/n
                           i=1              i=1
                                     = 1/n⁵ Σ i⁴ 
                                               i = 1
                             = 1/n⁵ [1⁴ + 2⁴ +.......+n⁴]

           = (1/n⁵ ) n(n+1)(2n+1)(3n+1)(4n+1)/120

   = 1/120  (1+1/n)(2+ 1/n)(3 + 1/n)(4 + 1/n)
∴   ∫ x⁴ dx = inf U(P,x⁴) =1/120 ⨯ 1⨯2⨯3⨯4 =1/5
                             n                n
Again , L(P,x⁴) = Σ mᵢΔxᵢ = Σ (i-1 / n)⁴ .1/n
                            i=1            i = 1

                =  1/n⁵  n(n-1)(2n-1)(3n-1)(4n-1)/120

        = 1/120  (1- 1/n)(2 - 1/n)(3 - 1/n)(4 - 1/n)
∴ ∫ x⁴ dx = sup L(P,x⁴) = 1/120 ⨯1⨯2⨯3⨯4 =1/5
Hence ∫ x⁴ dx = 1/5  (Proved)

Example 2 :

                 If f is continuous and non negative on [a,b] show that          b
                                           ∫ f dx ≥ 0 .

Proof : 

                Let the function f be continuous and non negative on [a,b] . Let us consider a partition P in the interval [a,b] with norm μ(P) as 

  P = { a= x₀,x₁,x₂, ......xₙ = b}

Since f is continuous , therefore f ∈ R on [a,b] .
    ⇒ lim   sup(P,f) = ∫ f dx ≥ 0 
      μ(P)-->0               a

Example 3 :

                If f is continuous and non negative 
and [a,b] and ∫ f dx = 0 , then prove that
  f(x) = 0 ∀ x ∈ [a,b] 

Proof :

          Let P be a partition on [a,b] such that 

P = { a= x₀,x₁,x₂.....xₙ = b} . Since f is continuous  ⇒f ∈ R on [a,b] 
    ⇒ lim S(P,f) = ∫ f dx = 0 (given)
      μ(P)-->0         a
Now , 0 = lim S(P,f) = Σ f(tᵢ) Δxᵢ  
                μ(P)-->0      i = 1

                                             where tᵢ ∈ Δxᵢ

Again , as f is continuous and non negative each term on the R.H.S exist and is non negative . Moreover for all partition P with μ(P) -->0 and for all partitions of tᵢ in Δxᵢ 
           Σ f(tᵢ) Δxᵢ = 0
         i= 1

    ⇒f(tᵢ) = 0 where i = 1,2,3....

   ⇒ f(x) = 0   ∀ x ∈ [ a,b ]   (Proved)

Example 4 :

        If f(x) = 0 or 1 according as x is ratioal or non rational . Prove that f is not integrable on any interval .

Proof :

            Let P be a partition on [a,b] . Then 
       U(P,f) = Σ Mᵢ Δxᵢ =1.Δx₁ +1. Δx₂ +.....+1.Δxₙ

                 = Δx₁ + Δx₂ +.....Δxₙ
                 = b-a
So ∫ f dx = inf U(P,f) = b-a
Now , L(P,f) = Σ mᵢΔxᵢ = 0.Δx₁+0.Δx₂+....+0.Δxₙ

                                        = 0
So ∫ f dx = Sup L(P,f) = 0
          b           - b
Thus ∫ f dx ≠ ∫ f dx 
       - a             a

Thus f is not integrable on any interval .                                                                 (Proved)


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